How connected are you in your job search? I wrote about job searching when you are over 50 in a previous post. There is hope. Many have done it, myself included.
One thing that surprised me is that only 9% of social job seekers are 55 or older. Wow! That means most of us do not connect on social media. I thought the percentage would be higher since as we mature we are all about working smarter, right?
So once again I am in the minority because I actively use Twitter as well as Linked In. I am very strategic about who I follow and connect with, but I also have fun with both platforms.
Are you one of the majority who is not connected Twitter to job hunt? If so here are so some tips:
- Choose a professional name. Iamsexy4sure may get you connections, but probably not the kind that will help you get employed. I use my real name.
- Connect with companies in the industry that you are interested in.
- Follow job site companies.
- Pay attention to what the leaders in the desired industry are saying and comment. It is not enough to just retweet (translation: retweet-to repost a tweet).
- Be accessible and friendly yet professional
- Offer assistance when and where you can
I will admit that I also connect with my favorite authors, actors, musicians, news outlets, and thought leaders. I am not all business. I also follow job search sites such as Monster, Indeed, Career Builder and others. Follow me if you are so inclined.
Are you one of the majority who is not connected on LinkedIn? LinkedIn is very similar to Facebook, but it is professional. There is very little ‘chatter’ about parties or random items on this site. Here are tips to get you started:
- Write an awesome profile. Showcase your professional awesomeness. Yes, post your resume and tell your story. Recruiters will be looking for qualified people who stand out not blend in.
- Post a great picture. It does not have to be taken by a professional, but is should be professional looking. Bikini pics are not acceptable.
- Join groups in the industry that you are interested in and participate in the discussions. That is a great way to connect.
- Find contacts and send them invitations to connect.
- Once you get set up. Pay attention to the ‘jobs you may be interested in’ selection on the right hand side of your profile. You may be surprised at what you find there.
I am connected with a wide array of people. I now ask people I meet at networking events if they are on LinkedIn. Most of them say yes and I go home and send them an invitation to connect. Connect with me.
I hope this post arouses your curiosity about connecting your job search through social media and maybe even convinces you to try. Let’s make the minority the majority. Please feel free to comment and send me your questions. I will do my best to assist because the goal is to remain 50+and fabulous and employed.