369 Daily Devotions

It’s Finally Here!

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Dr. Walker’s third book, 369 Flights of Daily Devotion, is a collection of her work from her blog “We Can Fly Higher” as well as some exclusive new material. It has just what you need to inspire you to fly higher each day as well as a few extra nuggets that help you through those days that you need an extra boost.

Available on Amazon and CreateSpace


There is something special about having an assignment to read every day before heading out to start the day or turning in for the night. My problem was that life being what it is there were times when I did not read the devotion for the day or days. Then I was behind. At first I would sit down and read all of the ones I missed to catch up. Then I would just skip to where I was supposed to be missing the ones I had not read.

This daily devotional is different. There are no dates or days. There are only numbers and they are there to make sure I gave you 369 devotions. You can read this book daily, more than daily, quarterly, monthly, or whatever frequency you choose. Whenever you start this journey is day one. It does not matter what the date is. No rules. So you will never get behind. You will never have to catch up. You will always be exactly where you are.

Of course you can read it daily. After all it is called 369 Flights of Daily Devotion because some days need more than one. But if you don’t you don’t. It is just that simple. No pressure.

– doretha DORETHA-WALKER-OLSEN-IMAGERY-2013-round-web-7833

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