A Manifesto and More

This year my word is excitement. I still plan to intentionally allow people, places, and things into my space that fit with my spirit. I am not just limiting myself to just the things that I see and know. I am leaving lots of space for the magic to appear and fingers crossed that there is plenty of that this year. I want excitement, the things that make my heart jump not the mundane everyday ordinary stuff.

Yes, I understand that the regular stuff is necessary in life. I do not discount that, but right now I want the excitement added in to make life a bit spicier. I will seek it out and I will create it even in the most basic environments. At the very least I will show up excited and bring the excitement. However,  I will gladly join in the excitement of others because I do love a collaboration. There is power in the collective. 

Now that I have put it out in the universe I better buckle my seat belt and grab my hat. Let the excitement begin. I need some emergency confetti to celebrate just like this 8-year-old.

“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” ~ Gloria Steinem


Appreciate the space I am in

Learn something new every month

Find my form of mediation

Honor the lived experiences of others even when I do not understand

Strive for excellence in all my products

*Remain unapologetic for taking up space

*Remember that rest is a verb and do it often

* these are carryovers from previous years

Wish List

Be in an Olay ad campaign

Visit the 8 remaining states on my list (North & South Dakota, New Mexico, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, Oklahoma, and New Hampshire)

Travel to at least 3 more continents (Asia, Africa, Australia-Antarctica is a maybe)

Swim with dolphins
Produce a television show

See Tina Turner in concert and go backstage

Go to Egypt

Have a regular column in a newspaper or magazine
Own a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes and Louis Vuitton bag

A Few of My Favorite Things

Food: fried chicken, cupcakes, and champagne
Color: orange
Ice cream: mint chocolate chip

I’ll bet you didn’t know…

I am allergic to cats and dogs (and maybe horses, pigs, and squirrels)

I hate:

English peas

The color green

Bell peppers

Cooked tomatoes