I speak to women. Women who are leaders, want to be leaders, women who want to up their game, and those who desire to play bigger.
I love speaking to groups. We all have infinite knowledge even if we do not realize it. I believe in shared wisdom. Group synergy allows the process of empowerment to manifest fully and freely without judgments. It’s a safe space to refine and grow. My sessions are comforting and yet challenging. I weave them together with concrete actions and next step guidance.
Interactive, engaging, exciting, actionable and eye opening… I won’t leave you hanging.
Topics include:
“It’s OK to Toot Your Own Horn”
“Effective Communication”
“Accepting Criticism with Grace and Dignity”
“Behind Every Great Woman Are More Great Women”
“7 Ups… Seven Things To Do To Bring You More Joy”
“The Women to Have in Your Network”
Contact me to speak at your next organizational gathering.
“Doretha Walker infuses people with energy and purpose. Leading young women through a challenge activity, she deftly moves people in and out of roles and tweaks the rules so that nobody ever gets too comfortable. The result is a noisy room full of passionate young women learning the toughest lessons of leadership—how to draw out strengths while minimizing weaknesses in order to work as a team to solve problems. At NEW Leadership South Carolina, Doretha’s workshop ranks as a favorite!”
Lynne E. Ford
Associate Provost for Curriculum and Academic Administration“Doretha Walker’s presentation grabbed our attention as soon as she opened her mouth. The entire audience was pulled in by her message that was articulate, clear, and meaningful. The standing ovation that followed showed our sincere appreciation. We all left ready to take action.”
Ava Smith
Owner/President of Flat Fee Recruiting, LLC“Doretha Walker is a consummate speaker and facilitator. She holds sway over her audiences with humor, confidence and a knowledge base that is vast and deep.”
Jennett Robinson Alterman
“Doretha Walker is a FORCE. Her presence, energy and expertise hep bring projects, goals and dreams into fruition. Working with and learning from Doretha continues to be a highlight of my personal and professional experience.”
Jennifer Dyer Buddin; President, Every Busy Woman LLC