I did warm flow yoga today at Charleston Community Yoga. First, let me say that I did not get the lavender towel after class because the instructor ran out. That and the shoulder stand are the only reasons I go to class. Okay, not really, but they are two of the reasons I go. It is all right, really. I did not know she ran out until it was time to give them out. Had I known prior to that point, who am I kidding, I would have stayed anyway.
I needed to be in class for two reasons. One is because I really do not want to grade papers and going to yoga doesn’t count as procrastinating. At least I don’t think it does. Secondly, I ran 10.2 miles this morning and really needed the stretches. And I am proud of myself for making it through the class without spending the entire class in child’s pose.
I did fall out of one of the side planks, but the instructor said that was a good thing because I went to my edge. Okay, that works for me! My arms were a bit fatigued from the million downward facing dogs and planks we did. My arms even hurt when we did the chair pose.
Class allowed me to decompress from the run and uncrunch. And I was able to go deep inside and connect with my breath. One breath at a time. Today I went deeper and deeper into most of the poses. I still struggle with the double pigeon and I will forever hate the bow pose. And the crow pose eluded me as well. I will try again the next time. That is what a yoga practice is about: not stopping, not regretting, just breathing and trying again again again and again.
I really appreciate the release that I get from doing yoga. I am still on my quest for pretzelness and I have a long way to go, but I am getting there one breath at a time. I am not comparing myself to others. I am comfortable with my own accomplishment and even in my falls. I don’t mind that I am not a bendy person, which cannot bend over backwards, wrap my leg around my neck, while extending an arm over my head. Just kidding, sort of. I have never actually seen anyone do that, but I have seen things pretty close.
Class #6 will be Tuesday at 6:15am. Will I see you there?