Classes #3 and #4 of the needed 7

Today I will admit that if I had not bought the unlimited day pass I would have stayed home. I was completely wiped out and I am not sure why. I ran my 1,000th mile this year earlier today and I felt like I ran all of those miles at one time. Oh well. I more »

Class #2 of the needed 7

I am not sure why I think it is a good idea to get up, run four miles at 4:30am and then go to a 6:15am yoga class. I am not sure, but I did it anyway. I mean that was the plan. It looked good on paper and yet when my alarm went off more »

Class #1 of the needed 7

Today is my first class of the necessary seven that I need to make my $50 monthly pass worth it. Charleston Community Yoga has an unlimited monthly pass for the month of December. The price per class is $8, so I need to attend at least 6.25 classes to get my money’s worth. That should more »