I am not sure why I think it is a good idea to get up, run four miles at 4:30am and then go to a 6:15am yoga class. I am not sure, but I did it anyway. I mean that was the plan. It looked good on paper and yet when my alarm went off at 3:45am, I questioned my sanity. No worries, it isn’t the first time and I will most certainly do it again, probably next week.
I am so glad the room was warm. It was 60 degrees outside and I sweat a lot during the run, but by the time I got to yoga I had cooled down significantly. I always dread the first, second, and probably third and fourth downward facing dogs. Maybe it is just too darn early in the morning to be somewhat upside down. And there is the fact that my arms wanted to fall off.
Planks, planks, and more planks were on the menu. No surprise there, it is yoga after all. And then those sun salutations. There is something strange about doing a sun salutation before the sun comes up, but hey I did what I was told. Plus, there were only eight of us in class so the instructor, Stacy could easily see me if I didn’t.
I did not have problems with any poses this morning except that one that is a one-legged plank with my knee on top of my forearm with the straight leg lifted. Yeah, that one got me. Oh well, I felt no shame. I even managed to turn my head off and not think about ‘stuff’. I will admit that there really isn’t much stuff roaming around in my head at 6:15am when I had been up since 3:45am.
So, class #2 is in the history books. Class #3 and #4 are planned for Thursday. Yes, I plan to do a double decker of warm flow and yin. Care to join me?
…we practice sun salutations before the sun comes up to invite or welcome the sun… nice to see you this early morning, as always. Namaste.
Stacy, thanks! I love learning new things. See you on Thursday.
One of the most flexible fietnss athletes to ever grace the stage has announced her retirement from competition. Veteran competitor Stacey Simons was known for her signature backbend move. The news comes from Isaac over at Hardbody.com, click here to read the full story and interview with Stacey.