Book Review | The Winner Effect

THE WINNER EFFECT: The Neuroscience of Success And Failure. By Ian H. Robertson. St. Martin’s Press. 320 pages. $25.99. Why are some people winners and others are not? In “The Winner Effect,” Ian Robertson examines whether winners are born or made, in psychological and biological terms, using a diverse sample population. The interweaving of real-life more »

Classes #7 and #8 of the needed 7

I DID IT! I managed to get the 7 classes that I needed to make the unlimited pass worth my money plus one extra. Yippee for me! Thanks Stacy and Charleston Community Yoga for an awesome time. And number seven was super sweet. First, Lululemon came and gave us all coconut water and headbands. I more »

Class #6 of the 7 needed

I am almost there! I attended the 6:15am sunrise yoga class at Charleston Community Yoga featuring Stacy Gervon as the instructor. It was difficult getting out of bed this morning, but I am on a mission. This was class #6. Class #7 is well within reach and maybe even class #8. One breath at a more »